As published in Verdict Magazine
"Participating in ASCDC for a quarter of a century has defined the most important aspects of my career, and significantly influenced my practice as an appellate lawyer in every way imaginable. In particular, I am honored to be part of Pam Dunn's vision during the 1990s to develop what has become one of the most successful amicus advocacy groups on the planet.
ASCDC's influence on California precedents in the three decades since then are many- running the gamut from defining "legal causation" (Viner v. Sweet, 30 Cal.4th 1232 (2003)); the privileges and immunities afforded to lawyers under the First Amendment (Jarrow Formulas , In c. v. LaMarche, 31 Cal.4th 728 (2003)) and to physicians who conduct medical peer review (Kiblerv. No. Inyo County Hosp. Dist., 39 Cal.4th 192 (2006)); the scope of evidentiary privileges (Costco Wholesale Corp. v. Superior Court, 47 Cal.4th 725 (2009)); the statute of limitations for claims arising from an attorney's "professional services" (Lee v. Hanley, 61 Cal.4th 1225 (2015)); the elements of malicious prosecution (Parrish v. Latham & Watkins, 3 Cal.5th 767 (2017); the legal duties owed to the third parties by financial professionals (Summit Financial Holdings Ltd. v. Continental Lawyers Title Co., 27 Cal.4th 1160 (2002)) and by landowners (Vasilenko v. Grace Family Church, 3 Cal.5th 1077 (2017)).
Across the state, ASCDC members appear daily in newsworthy trials. They are the best of the best. We continue to support our members in their most important cases - sometimes long after the trial is done. Take a look at the amicus materials on our website. The list goes on for pages.
I cannot single out just one memory from 2006-2007 when I was privileged to serve as ASCDC president. There are too many to mention. Then as now, our amicus committee chaired by Steve Fleischman has been second to none. As in every other year I've been a member, the Association was the voice of the civil defense bar in the courts – and through California Defense Counsel, in the Legislature..."
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