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Buchalter Client Alert COVID-19: California and Selected State, City, and County Moratoria List

On March 16, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order that suspended any portion of state law that would otherwise prevent local municipalities from imposing limitations on residential or commercial evictions. Immediately thereafter, the City of Los Angeles and City and County of San Francisco instituted short-term commercial and residential eviction moratoria for certain qualifying tenants.

On March 19, 2020, Governor Newsom issued a second executive order stating that all individuals not working in certain critical infrastructure sectors are to remain at home indefinitely. The strain on local economies quickly galvanized municipalities to provide rent and eviction protections for their citizens and businesses. In addition, the California Judicial Council passed emergency rules on April 6 that effectively bars the majority of evictions in the State of California. Buchalter previously summarized the emergency rules here.

While California was a leader in offering tenants direct rent relief and eviction protections or permitting municipalities to enact their own regulations, many other states and cities have subsequently followed suit. These orders have become commonplace nationwide as states and local municipalities are acknowledging the unique challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Buchalter has been following the approval of these moratoria as they will have a significant effect on our clients. Below, please find links to approved residential and commercial eviction moratoria orders, as well as summaries of those orders, for counties and cities in the states of Arizona, California, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, Texas, and Washington. Buchalter will continue to add additional counties and cities as they become available, along with any updates to existing orders, in order to keep our clients informed of the latest news.

These orders and summaries are current as of May 27, 2020.

Northern and Southern California City and County Eviction Moratoria

San Diego County Eviction Moratoria List

Selected State Eviction Moratoria List

Selected Non-California City and County Eviction Moratoria List