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Interview: Social Impact Heroes: How Attorney Monica Mazzei Is Helping To Stop Domestic Abuse

Authority Magazine

Social Impact Heroes: How Attorney Monica Mazzei Is Helping To Stop Domestic Abuse

June 13, 2020

“I went to law school in Los Angeles because I thought I wanted to become an entertainment lawyer. However, after taking a family law class in my last year of law school, it was clear that family law was for me! I love working with individuals as clients and making a difference during a very difficult time in their lives.”

“Practicing during the evolution of pre-marital agreements has been interesting and exciting! When I first started practicing family law, pre-marital agreements were not that common and when I did work on one, it was usually for a client going into their second or third marriage with children from previous relationships. Now, pre-marital agreements make up more than one-third of my practice and many of my clients are marrying for the first time. The millennials are getting married in their late 30’s and after they have amassed wealth, often in the startup world. The public is becoming more informed about pre-marital agreements and realize they are not just for the uber-rich or for celebrities. I have worked on pre-marital agreements for clients who only had a patent, idea or a new company of little to no value which turned out to be extremely valuable later.”

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