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Buchalter Sponsors Oxford University Quantum Information Society

  • Oct 26th, 2022

Buchalter sponsors the Oxford University Quantum Information Society’s Event, “What is AQ and Why it will Impact Your World,” on October 26, 2022 from 4pm to 6:30pm at The Auditorium, Corpus Christi College, Merton Street, Oxford.

About This Event:

The improvements in GPUs and AI in recent years along with developments in Quantum Technology (QT) are unlocking new, impactful solutions to societal challenges.

Quantum Computing (QC) is only a part of the Quantum Tech (QT) revolution now underway. Quantum sensing, quantum-safe communications and quantum simulation are three additional areas here today, each impacting our society in many ways, as recognized by Nobel Prize in Physics Is Awarded for Work in Quantum Technology.

By joining us you’ll learn from Jack Hidary, a recognized authority on the convergence of AI and QT, a union called ‘AQ’. He is author of the well-regarded textbook (Quantum Computing – An Applied Approach), and CEO of SandboxAQ, a firm he founded to apply AQ to solve problems enterprises are facing.

Jack will explore the consequences resulting from AQ. Over the next few years, we will start to see entire industries transformed by the confluence of AI and QT technologies delivering “access to tools with unexpected potential”, as the Nobel Prize committee put it.

One example comes from cybersecurity, where all companies face a challenge to protect their data, the lifeblood of their business. By attending you’ll learn actionable insights on Post Quantum Cryptography(PQC), whose goal is arming your organization’s cybersecurity systems for what’s invariably ahead.

In summary, if your professional future is linked to staying on top of tech innovation, you owe it to both yourself and your company to participate.

Who Will Benefit from Attending?

Since joining Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Quantum Technology (QT) will make a substantial impact on society and commerce, this event is designed for a broad audience. The following groups will especially benefit:

  • Individuals involved in cybersecurity or interested in cryptography
  • STEM students intrigued by the emerging technologies at the intersection of maths, biochemistry, computer science, and physics
  • Business practitioners trying to stay informed on the latest tech approaching commercial viability

NOTE: This event will also be available On Demand. If you can’t make the time slot, register anyway and you’ll receive a link for the event recording so you can watch the material at your convenience.