Portia Project™️ podcast: a bonus episode in collaboration with Girls Inc. of Orange County that furthers the mission of this podcast: to expand the dreams of young women and girls, and to help them imagine what they can do with a legal career.
As part of a Girls Inc. Of Orange County “Girls Meet the Workforce” job readiness and Externship program, 100 11th grade girls from Orange County gathered at Santa Ana College for a live recording of the Portia Project® podcast, which featured prominent female lawyers and judges from Southern California.
Panelists included Justices Eileen Moore and Joanne Motoike of the California Court of Appeal; Judge Kimberly Knill of the Orange County Superior Court; Orange County Senior Assistant Public Defender Tracy LeSage; and Loyola Law School, Los Angeles professor, Rebecca Delfino.
To listen to the podcast, click here.