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Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions – Where to Next?

InBusiness Greater Phoenix

InBusiness Greater Phoenix
February 1, 2022
By Robert Miller

During 2021, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) proceeded at a torrid pace in the United States. This article examines what may lie ahead for domestic middle market M&A, which is likely to continue at the same pace in 2022.

The advent of private equity (PE) investing is a big part of why M&A activity is likely to remain strong in 2022. PE investing as a business model only began in the 1940s, but its growth has been massive in recent decades. From 2010 to 2020, private equity assets under management more than tripled to over $3 trillion, according to a Deloitte PE Report. As of mid-2021, according to S&P Global, PE firms around the globe were sitting on more than $2.0 trillion in “dry powder” — capital committed by PE investors that has not been invested.

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