Thomson Reuters
January 31, 2022
By: Jonathan Fitzgarrald
“From a cultural perspective, we still find meaning and value in getting attorneys in the office, interacting with each other face-to-face,” said panelist Adam J. Bass, the president and CEO of Buchalter, a 400-attorney super regional law firm headquartered in Los Angeles. “Some human interaction cannot be adequately replaced by technology. Oftentimes, younger professionals who think they need in-person interaction the least actually need it the most. We also host a variety of in-person meetings and retreats throughout the year to ensure our professionals interact.”
In the age of remote working, a firm’s “atrium” is more figurative than literal. More than anything, Bass said, it’s about making the firm’s professionals feel valuable and empowered.
“It’s not always a set program, initiative, or policy that’s going to resonate with everyone,” continued Bass. “Being flexible and intentional with everything a firm does is the name of the game. Understand what motivates your professionals and then do your best to deliver it so they stay loyal to the firm and continue to provide excellent client service.”
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