May 21, 2024
Buchalter is pleased to announce that the Firm has secured its place at number 113 in Law360's annual rankings of the 400 largest law firms in the nation. The Law360 400 features the largest U.S.-based law firms and international firms with a U.S. component as measured by domestic attorney headcount.
From the article: “Law360 (May 21, 2024, 2:04 PM EDT) -- The legal market expanded more tentatively in 2023 than in previous years amid a slowdown in demand for legal services, especially in transactions, an area that has been sluggish but is expected to quicken in the near future.
Nevertheless, the largest U.S. law firms by headcount still managed to grow their ranks, expanding at an average rate of 2.2% overall, with the top 50 outpacing the others.
The 50 largest firms grew at an average rate of 2.9% and the 200 largest firms at 2.6% — both several percentage points above the 2.2% overall average — while the 200 firms in the lower half of the ranking grew at 1.4%.”
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