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2022 Filing Requirements and Contribution Limits for California “Major Donors”


By: Steven G. Churchwell

December 2021

What is a Major Donor?

Individuals and business entities–such as corporations, partnerships and LLCs–that do not receive political contributions (i.e., do not have a PAC), but only make such contributions to California state and local: (1) officeholders and candidates, (2) ballot measures, (3) political parties and (4) PACs, may have disclosure requirements.1 The contributor must file a Major Donor Report (Form 4612) if such contributions equal or exceed $10,000 in a calendar year.3 The aggregate amount of all contributions to California state and local candidates, ballot measures, parties and PACs during that year (e.g., 2022) counts toward the $10,000 threshold. The reporting period for a Major Donor is limited to a single calendar year. There are no registration or termination requirements.

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