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#ArizonaRestaurantWeek Labor and Employment Law Series – Restaurant Employers: Anti-Harassement (Blog 3 of 5)

Jennings Strouss

By: Chris M. Mason

Continuing our Arizona Restaurant Week series, below are tips on anti-harassment to avoid nightmares, costly fines, and litigation in the workplace:

Workplace harassment presents challenges for all employers, but can be particularly prevalent in the restaurant industry. High industry turnover rates, often young and relatively inexperienced workforces, and an environment where customer behavior can be unpredictable, particularly for those restaurants serving alcohol, all exacerbate the challenge.

Tip 1:  Adopt a clear, legally-compliant anti-harassment policy, and make it easily accessible and visible to all employees

Your anti-harassment policy should comply with federal and state law, and spell out the processes for reporting and discipline. Include the policy in the employee handbook, and secure employees’ signatures acknowledging they understand the policy.

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