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Red Dawn In Lake Placid: The Semi-Final Hockey Game at the 1980 Winter Olympics as Cold War Battleground

Canadian Journal of History of Sport


By: Craig D. Nickerson

“The Cold War was a battle of the mind. It was a psychological struggle between two ideologically opposed sides of the world. Due to the Cold War, logical persons often acted illogically when dealing with their counterparts in either the East or West. An example of this behavior rests in this quote:   “It’s a great win for the American People, sir . . . after all we had to overcome. Just shows that our way of life is the way to carry on. ” One would guess that this statement was made by, perhaps, an aide to Ronald Reagan declaring victory in the Cold War. However, this darling conclusion was made by Herb Brooks, the Head Coach of the 1980 U.S. Olypic Hockey team, while talking to President Jimmy Carter after the U.S. had won the gold medal. ”

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