If you are currently providing pro bono legal services to homeless youth, or you are interested in doing so, these four weekly programs will provide you with a solid understanding of the issues they face, the legal and regulatory framework in which those issues are typically presented, and the resources available to them. On each Friday in January, attorneys from BayLegal will conduct the programs, covering the following topics:
January 6: Obtaining and Preserving Housing During the Homelessness Epidemic
January 13: Introduction to Juvenile Court Issues: Foster Care and Delinquency
January 20: Overview of Safety Net Benefits (Medi-Cal, GA, CalWORKs, CalFresh)
January 27: Advising Clients: Legal Triage, Warrants and Citations
Buchalter's San Francisco Office
55 Second Street, 17th Floor
Please RSVP to Martha Pineda at mpineda@buchalter.com
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